Monday 20 July 2009

Lorna Macmillan - STEP BY STEP

On view until 1 August 2009

Lorna Macmillan, winner of the Ip-art Award for Visual Art 2008, has been developing an ambitious project, Step by Step, for display at the Town Hall Galleries this summer.

Macmillan has conducted a dynamic social experiment with the aim of challenging our ability as inquisitive beings to absorb sets of instructions, which has resulted in the making of a central film piece.

The work originates from her fascination with the human condition. It presents itself as an analysis of how complex sets of directives impact on individual modern lifestyles. The process was implemented through providing all the willing participants with ‘Animal How To Packs’. These guides included detailed step by step instructions concerned with both the practical elements of the project such as time and location of filming and the more artistic aspects associated with the performance.

Animal personas were chosen for the subjects to adopt as they have distinct behavioural characteristics. The costume selection and design were developed with the intention of remaining subtle. The aim was for the actors’ interpretations to shine through on screen, avoiding any distractions caused by dominant pieces of attire.

The location of the ‘familiar park scene’ was chosen as a canvas to display the natural theatre of nature. Not only is it a setting coupled with the animal selection it also provides the piece with a highly important visual aesthetic.

In order for the process to be both insightful and dramatic the artist was present at filming but it was essential for her to remain anonymous. This allowed the instructional element to remain uncompromised and play a dominant role within the final piece.

Although ultimately the work is a social experiment between the artist, actors and ultimately the viewer the aim was to produce work that is visually aesthetic and fulfilling. Lorna Macmillan hopes the final piece provides the viewer with tranquil surroundings and the opportunity to escape into hibernation.

Lorna Macmillan returned to Suffolk having graduated from a Fine Art Degree at London Metropolitan University where she specialised in Video. She produces short films that often originate from sketchbook stories, dreams and everyday life scenarios, engaging viewers with dry and obscure sense of humour.

2008 Selection Panel:
JULIA DEVONSHIRE - Arts Project Officer, Ipswich Borough Council
EDMUND GOUBERT - Artist and Ip-art Award Winner 2007
LAURA EARLEY - Programme Co-ordinator, firstsite, Colchester.
Monday 14 September 2009.

The Ip-art Award for Visual Arts was established to support recent graduates and emerging talent with Ipswich interests and connections (artists under 35 or recent graduates (no longer than 5 years).

Each year the winner receives £500 to create work for an exhibition in The Town Hall Galleries during the Ip-art Festival.

To apply send up to 10 images of your current work, a CV and statement explaining how you are eligible for the award. Images should be supplied as jpegs on a disc, please contact us if you are supplying other formats i.e. video.

Applications to:
Ip-art Award for Visual Art, THE TOWN HALL GALLERIES, Cornhill, Ipswich, IP1 1DH

2009 Selection Panel:
Julia Devonshire - Arts Project Officer, Ipswich Borough Council
Lorna Macmillan - Artist and Ip-art Award Winner 2008
Lotte Juul Petersen - Artists and Programmes Curator, Wysing Arts Centre

For more information please see
Or contact: 01473 432863

Ipswich Borough Council & Turnstone Arts Grants sponsor Ip-art Award.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Check us out!

Welcome to the Town Hall Galleries new blog! Please take a look at what we've got going on, check out our website or come and visit us at our venue in Ipswich. Thanks! :)